Sustainable stories

Apr 11, 2019
News & Updates

Irrigators Supporting River Life.

This month we have the honour of launching Sustainable Stories.  An initiative by National Irrigators’ Council to share the positive stories of the irrigators who are committed to protecting and enhancing the environment while growing our food and fibre.It’s about Irrigators Supporting River Life.

There are around 9,500 irrigating businesses in the Basin – most are owned by families, who are passionate about what they do. Each year they get smarter and grow more with less. In fact, our farms are among the most efficient in the world. Yet, if you believe everything you read in the media, they steal and destroy. This is not the case for the majority of farmers. Yes, there are some that give irrigators a bad name, but they are few and far between – just like any sector.

So, in the lead up to the election, we’ll be educating voters and pushing to have these positive stories shared. Please get behind the launch. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.