Why should your business be using YouTube?

Sep 17, 2018
blueclay youtube video

Did you know? Using YouTube as part of your content marketing strategy can be a very cost effective way to grow your business.If you've already created some great video content, why not create an account and start uploading today?

And if you haven't started your video marketing journey yet - we're here to help!

Here are our top 11 benefits of using YouTube in your business!

  1. YouTube is great for SEO and if used correctly, will get you found on Google.
  2. It’s a HUGE platform – 2 billion people in 100 countries visit YouTube each month, with 500 hours of videos uploaded EACH MINUTE.
  3. You could reach a whole new audience that isn't on Twitter or LinkedIn.
  4. YouTube increases brand recognition and authority, so it’s a great way to demonstrate expertise, personality and your products and services.
  5. Saves bandwidth of hosting videos on your website.
  6. Explaining your products or services is so much more effective via video.
  7. You can embed your YouTube videos on your website and post them on your other social media platforms.
  8. Your videos could educate, inform and inspire people to take action - whatever that action may be!
  9. Can be created in-house and doesn’t always have to be created by a professional video production company.
  10. Can use in-stream ads or use AdWords for video to promote
  11. Videos can be cross-utilised for other purposes, on other platforms e.g. use content at conferences, launches and presentations to professionally, concisely and dramatically communicate your message!
youtube channel
Are you ready to create a YouTube account for your business, but not sure where to start? Click the image and follow the steps. Image Source: www.DigitalTrends.com

Our top 7 tips for getting results on YouTube

  1. Always add a title and a description for each video
  2. Keep key search terms in mind when writing these
  3. Add as many relevant tags as you can think of (& keep using them!)
  4. Add closed captions
  5. Use the correct image sizes (see below)
  6. Add a call to action and URL
  7. Share across your other social media platforms (again, make sure you always use the relevant hashtags when sharing on social media)

YouTube Image Size Guide

Channel Profile Photo: 800 x 800

Recommended 800 x 800 pixels.

Displays as 98 x 98 pixels.

Image types: JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG.

Channel Cover Photo: 2560 x 1440

There are a lot of different platforms and devices that users can stream YouTube on, so it’s very important that your business or brand has a photo optimised for each one.

Display Sizes (see image below):

Tablet display: 1,855 x 423

Mobile display: 1,546 x 423TV display: 2,560 x 1,440

Desktop: 2,560 x 1440 (1,546 x 423 pixels are always visible);

Flexible Area (may be visible): 507 pixels to the left and 507 pixels to the right of the safe area.

Thumbnail image: 1280 x 720

Your video thumbnails are so important for attracting attention and making your video stand out amongst the millions. Choose a striking image, and if you add text - make it large and clear.

Video Uploads: 1280 x 720 (minimum)

Videos must maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio (Flip your phone horizontally!)

In order to qualify as a full HD video, the dimensions of your video must be at least 1280 x 720 pixels.If you're keen to get your YouTube channel up and running and want to learn about image dimensions in detail, check out this post on Metricool!

youtube safe area

Our Training Blog on Email Marketing is coming!

The launch of our new website is just a few weeks away! So we're saving this Training Blog to coincide with our very exciting re-brand!

If you were looking forward to learning about email capture, lead magnets, list building, email funnels and more - don't worry... It's coming!