For over five years, Blue Clay has been creating TV commercials and branded videos for Solar Professionals – a leading commercial solar company based in Wagga Wagga, and are leaders in the design, construction and project management of solar PV applications across Australia. Recently, Solar Professionals were accepted on to a very prestigious panel for the NSW government, meaning they are among the few solar suppliers for government departments.
The company needed a new video to promote that, in addition to being a Clean Energy Australia Approved solar retailer and ISO Environmental certified, they are now a government procurement approved Solar PPA panel member. Here’s what we created for them.

What is a Solar PPA?
A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) provides commercial and government clients the opportunity to secure lower electricity prices from a clean, renewable energy source without any upfront capital or ongoing maintenance costs.
In short, Solar Professional’s clients buy the energy produced by the solar system, without having to purchase the solar equipment. Electricity costs become a fixed expense for the duration of the agreement, and the significantly cheaper rate, reduced demand charges, and no system maintenance costs translate to immediate savings. At the end of the agreement, the client has outright ownership of the solar equipment, without any payout charges.
Why choose Solar Professionals?
If you’d like to reduce your organisation’s electricity overheads, reduce demand charges and improve your sustainability, we highly recommend getting in touch with the award winning Solar Professionals. Their expert team will conduct a full analysis of your business’ electricity requirements, and prepare a detailed business case. They then design and deliver the project, monitor and maintain the system, and sell you the solar power used by your business, invoiced on a monthly or quarterly basis.
While other companies on the government panel do service regional areas, Solar Professionals are based in Wagga Wagga, making them the only one based in a regional town – this means the really understand regional business! We love working with companies who are doing good for the planet, and Solar Professionals are a great example of this. This eco business has specialist experience in a wide range of industries, including defence, local government education, agriculture, medial, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, and transport facilities.
Brett Langfield, Managing Director of Langfield Pastoral Company, happily recommends Solar Professionals for their efficiency, professionalism, their ability to work with their customers to solve unique problems. Mr. Langfield chose Solar Professional’s PPA because it allowed his company to save money on insulation costs, and stated that, ‘energy costs have come down by approximately 15%, and it’s only the start.’

Blue Clay’s promotional video for Solar Professionals
You’ll notice there is a lot of drone footage in the promotional video we created for Solar Professionals. Drones are an emerging technology in the marketing world, and they’re a great way to increase production value and get a bird’s eye view! While video consumption is still on the rise, it’s becoming harder and harder for videos to stand out – this is why we love using drone footage in our client’s videos. It provides innovative content and compelling new perspectives at a manageable cost – which is crucial in today’s saturated market.
Are you an eco-friendly, regional business wanting to connect your audience with our natural landscape? Check out the latest video we created for the Solar Professionals, and get in touch with us today to discuss how we could tell your story.