As you may have seen on our social media pages, I have off been making a tribe of my own! Baby Harrison was born a healthy 3.6kg (or 8.1 pounds on the old scale) and he is thriving! Being a mum to a tiny human is everything I thought it would be – hard work, magical and so bloody rewarding.
The past few weeks has also brought with it some sad news of people passing –both young and old. It’s reminded me yet again that life is precious and I am so grateful, not only for my health and the health of my baby, but for the people around me, including clients and staff.
We spend much of our life at work, so it’s important to surround yourself with people who lift you up and spark joy. This should also be applied to the clients you target. Some of you may have heard me talk about attracting your tribe at work and how I actually factor this in to marketing strategies. I firmly believe that if you know your values, stick to them and have a clear idea of the kinds of people you want to work with, you will thrive!
For us, we love working with people who bring authenticity, love and compassion to this world through the work they do, the services they offer and the way they relate to people.
I believe if my team loves the work they are doing for our clients because it resonates with their values, well, they are going to perform EVEN BETTER for our clients! Why? Because life is too short and precious to not enjoy what you do. Wouldn’t you agree?

We’re currently in the process of recreating our brand and website to reflect the changes we have undergone the past few years and we look forward to sharing that with you in the coming months.
To give you a sneak peek on how we are doing this for Blue Clay and also our clients, check out our article with our senior graphic designer, Jon Shirley.
You will also find our monthly training guide which outlines a great system to help you streamline your in-house marketing – a MUST read!
For now, go hug a loved one and let them know you care. Life really is too precious to waste.
Love, Laticia xox