10 towns. 14 days. 3,000kms. 60 films. Throw in a baby and you have the makings of an epic journey.
Expanding on our work to promote regional living and career opportunities, we are super proud of our latest project. Creating films to support Three Rivers University Department of Rural Health and Charles Sturt University’s online learning platform, which supports students from diverse backgrounds to complete a health degree. With a focus on increasing access for rural people to attend uni, and celebrating their unique skills and experience, it epitomises why we love rural and work rural.
Supporting pathways for people to get out and try regional placements and study programmes, this project was about capturing and sharing real life success stories. Students who not only loved studying regionally, but got a rewarding job out of it, too.
As the heading suggests, this wasn’t a small task. Our team of 7 road crew (plus Harrison and his au pair, Ceci) stayed in a different town nearly every night! Starting in Tumut, we travelled via Albury, Griffith and all the way around through Bathurst and Conowindra. Meanwhile, several support staff stationed across the Riverina, Canberra and the Sunshine Coast, organised logistics and ensured everything ran smoothly. And it did!
Coming off the road we went straight into post production, editing all of the films within three weeks!Hands-down it’s been our most intense job in our 9-year existence, but also one of the most rewarding. We’ve had all hands-on-deck for this. We couldn’t be prouder of the results and the way the BC team handled the workload and the pressure. It couldn’t have gone smoother and we are so grateful for the amazing people we get to work with every day!
Check out some of the pics and keep an eye out for some of the videos to be released in July!